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Breckenridge 1980 Trail Map | Vintage Restoration

The 1980 Breckenridge trail map. Printed on a beautiful, thick photo paper, at incredibly high resolution. Choose either unframed, or framed in a thin black alderwood frame.

• 18x24 inches or 16x12 inches
• 10 mil thick
• Slightly glossy
• Fingerprint resistant
Skiing may have reached its pinnacle coolness in the time of one-piece, neon-colored snowsuits, 210cm-long skis, and daffy and helicopter tricks. There might not have been a better place to show off your mogul skills than Breckenridge in 1980. Celebrate the the sometimes too-quickly forgotten, ironically funny heritage of skiing with this 1980, restored print of the 1980 Breckenridge Trail map.